• Do you need a great website?

    You need a consultant who understands your business. You don’t need a coder.

Website development. There is a better way!

Organisational strategy and website development should go hand in hand

Website development is a place for the leaders of an organisation to get very clear about their vision and mission. The website should be the vehicle for leaders to clearly communicate a unique offering and the organisation’s values to their clients, staff, potential clients and stakeholders. Those messages are often missing (or hidden) in many websites.

A website is your brochure to the world

The first place that clients, potential clients, suppliers, employees, potential employees and stakeholders will go to is your website.  The website is out there for everyone to see. Make sure it conveys the right impression and messages. The quality of your website says something very important about your organisation.

Get a consultant & not a coder!

The development of website technology has taken the power away from coders and placed that power back in the hands of organisations (and consultants like us). We are business consultants foremost and not coders in the technical sense. We help business owners and leaders who do not have the time, experience, expertise, knowledge or resources to a) understand website development, and b) create the compelling messages for their business.

“Websites should convey clear key messages and inspire people to act. With advances in web technology, organisational staff should be able to easily manage website content. For the majority of organisations, there is no longer any need to rely on developers. Organisations should aim to develop in-house skills.”

Mark Sinclair, Director, Simulthink

A few website examples from our portfolio

All of these websites, and many more, are managed by the clients without the need for developer support.

Key elements for website success

The basic elements necessary for success on the web are:

  • Tie website development to your strategy – the website is your brochure to the world
  • Convey clear key and compelling messages to all stakeholders (owners, customers, employees, suppliers)
  • Get found on the web and in search engines
  • Inspire people to take action
  • Be very responsive and demonstrate the values espoused on your website
  • Develop in-house skills to manage your website content

We bring a consultative & coaching approach and not a coding focus

Website development should be a consultative and collaborative process working with the organisation’s leaders and key staff responsible for the website. The website project must be linked to the organisation’s vision, mission and strategic plans.

The website development process should aim to transfer skills to the organisation’s staff. At Simulthink, we work to transfer ongoing ownership and management of the website to an organisation’s staff. We coach and help staff develop the skills to manage and develop the website without needing to rely on developers.

Get to the top of search engines

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can be extremely important, depending upon the organisation’s mission. It requires a focus on:

  • Great content optimised for targeted key words and structured properly
  • Great Social Media presence (Google+, Facebook, Linkedin, etc.)
  • Quality relevant links from other respected & high authority websites
  • Regular posts feeding into your Social Media pages
  • Adwords is an option to get to the top of search engines immediately
  • Good Domain Authority and page Authority
  • Length of time the domain has been operating
  • Avoiding or eliminating bad links
  • Tools to optimise performance and page speed
  • And more

We can help! Call 08 9467 7635 today.

Don’t re-invent the wheel

From experience, we believe that if you have to build a website from scratch then don’t do it. Find a proven tool at low cost that will do it for you. Website technologies like WordPress have taken the power away from coders/developers and put that power back in the hands of organisations (and consultants like us). We believe that developers will quickly be replaced by technologies like WordPress and the growing mountain of simple and mostly free or very cheap plugins being added every day. We liken this move to the mobile phone business and the apps being created constantly since the release of the iPhone and Android devices.

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